Tips from a Local Pro on Personal Branding, Styling & Being Your Best Self

by North Metro Woman

With every change of season seems to come the urge to refresh our style and add a new piece or two to our closet. North Metro Woman tapped local expert image consultant and best-selling author Marian Rothschild for advice and style tips to help our readers feel and look their best.

Marian, a Certified Personal Image and Wardrobe Consultant, Pageant Coach and Makeup Artist, says that one of the most gratifying parts of her work is when her clients finally feel like they are communicating their most authentic and powerful selves visually, verbally, and nonverbally.

“At the end of a makeup lesson when a woman looks at herself in the mirror, she is amazed,” Marian says. “As a client holds up a customized color chart to their face for the first time and sees how vibrant they look, they feel alive!”

Marian Rothschild is a Certified Personal Image and Wardrobe Consultant, Pageant Coach and Makeup Artist based in Boulder.

A former professional dancer and actor, Marian is originally from Chicago and has lived in Boulder for over 31 years. She has been a certified personal image and wardrobe consultant for the last 16 years, helping busy professionals update and upgrade their appearance head-to-toe, from the inside out. Her book Look Good Now and Always: A Do-It-Yourself Style Makeover for Busy Women is an Amazon best seller.

What are some simple/achievable ways our readers can incorporate current fashion trends into their own style?

Wear flattering colors up by your face; it will come alive and make you look vibrant.

  • For a slimming effect, wear a lighter color top under a darker blazer or cardigan. That way you have a light-colored strip right down the center of your body and that’s where the eye goes first, focusing on the thin strip of fabric instead of the entire width of the body.
  • If you’re wearing an oversized top, opt for a narrow skirt or pant. Conversely, if you’re wearing wide trousers, choose a narrow silhouette on top.
  • A “French tuck” is stylish right now and shows off a flat tummy. Just tuck in the very front or side-front corner of a blouse or sweater and leave the rest on the outside of jeans or pants.
  • The V neckline is the most flattering for almost everyone. Several delicate necklaces look beautiful with a V neck.
  • If you’ve got narrow shoulders and full hips, wear tops that have a boat-neck or cowl neck or a broad lapel. And if your body is the reverse, meaning narrow hips and broad shoulders, wear wide-legged trousers, jeans and skirts with narrow tops and sweaters.
  • Even if you’ve got a full waistline, look for tops and dresses that taper in at the waist.
  • Black is not flattering on everyone, nor does it go with everything. Unless your hair is very dark, black doesn’t do you any favors. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear your black pants; we’ve all got them. Just pair them with a lighter or brighter colored top; one that compliments your skin tone or matches your eye color.

What I keep hearing from clients is they want a “put-together look without appearing fussy.” Here is my definition of a “put-together” look: It’s the sum total of a stylish haircut, a polished day makeup face, wardrobe that fits and flatters, accessories that compliment, good posture, and a great attitude.

How does having confidence in style and appearance impact a person’s life on a broader scale?

  • The short answer is “when you look good, you feel good.” But it’s so much deeper than that. It’s about nonverbal communication; whether you realize it or not, your appearance is a reflection of who you are on the inside. When your entire look, head-to-toe, represents your best, brightest, and boldest self, you feel satisfied, excited, even fulfilled! Think about big personalities; what does their appearance say about them?
  • So first you need to figure out what is it that you want to communicate? Who are you and how do you want people to remember you? What do you want people to “get” about you when you walk into a room, speak, answer questions, stand, walk, greet people?
  • Then you have to pinpoint your personal style: trendy, classic, whimsical, Boho, Emo, traditional, preppy, etc. Next, you need to understand what your best colors are, which is what I help clients understand by creating their customized color charts. There are definitely ways to dress to flatter different body types, as noted above.
  • Even hair and makeup contribute to your entire look. I’m not a hairstylist, but I do give private makeup lessons.
  • You don’t have to run up your credit card either, you can shop at our wonderful consignment shops in the area. My favorite, where I bring a lot of clients, is Rags Consignments in Boulder on 28th

Visit Marian Rothschild’s website to learn more about her services and see amazing client before and after transformations.

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